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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tips: Getting the Most from your Massage Appointments

   Knowing what your goals are for receiving a massage and sharing those goals with your therapist will allow for a more successful session.

There are a wide variety of techniques and approaches Therapists can utilize during a session, each with subtly different results.  The more information you can relay about what you're looking for, the better able the Therapist to shape the session to address your needs.  
The reasons many seek a massage largely fall into two categories: Stress Management or Pain Management.  Both deserve individual approaches.  Decide which one you're after. Now consider, Do you see your massage session as more of an Event or a Process experience?

Some Event experiences include: Birthday present, Anniversary, Race or Sporting Events, Vacation, Mother's Day, Valentines Day; any singular occurrence.
For more recurring, chronic concerns massage therapy delivers best results with frequency, over a period of time, as a Process experience.  Much like going to the gym, learning a foreign language, or dancing; the body retains more information the more often it's exposed to the stimulation.

In summation, it's all about you and your goals.
Thanks and stay well!

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